
Content is King . . . How is Your Kingdom?


Is your Content working for you?

Content is King. But why is it so important? Content serves to engage your clients, tell your story, and sell your brand.

Content marketing is the key to promoting your business. The internet is a crowded market, but with the right content marketing strategy in place, your business will stand out.

If you’re having any doubts about the importance of content here’s three reasons why Content is King:

Relationships & Trust

Relationships are built on trust, and having great content on your website creates the foundation for trust. By being open about what your company offers, you’re opening the doors to building relationships with your clients. But it doesn’t stop there!

Content allows you to continue to keep in touch with clients, assuring that they’re receiving the best customer service possible. It keeps a circle of communication open, building a reputable name for your brand.

Think of content as your company’s voice. Your website is the spokesperson for your company.

Content doesn’t begin and end on the pages of your website. What about your Social Media? Yes, even a 140 character count Tweet must be well written content.

Every Tweet and every Facebook status speaks for your company just as loudly as your website does. In today’s market, Social Media is so important and many consumers will look at your Social Media to decide if your business is the right choice for their needs.

Think of it like this: Your website is your best employee, but your Social Media is your PR Expert.

Google is Your Friend

Long gone are the days of “black hat” tricks to get your website ranked higher on search engines. SEO and excellent content are today’s “white hat” tricks. Having well written content on your website that speaks to your audience will take you a long way up the rankings.

We all know people visit your website- but did you know search engines visit, too? They send crawlers to check things out that can affect how you show up on a search.

Hope to see you at the top!

Leave the Hard Work to Us

Are you ready to amp up your game? We can help you create a content marketing strategy to fully engage your visitors and current clients and increase your sales.

Find out how easy it is to get more effective content working for you.

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Starr, Content Goddess

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