Meet Our Awesome Project Manager
Our team of rock stars are the super stars of the web design industry- from our developers and designers to our content writers and management team, we employ only the best of the best. Over the next few weeks, we’re going to give you an inside look into the lives of OpenPotion’s team. We believe in transparency, and there is no better route to that then to introduce you to our team members and give you a realistic look at the people behind the scenes.
Last week you were introduced to Morgan, one of our developers and support techs. This week, please meet Esteban, our Project Manager and resident Rock Star.

Esteban Zenteno,
Project Manager
“There’s always a bigger fish.”
What’s your background as far as work?
I studied Systems Engineering at UCINF University in Chile until 2008, and then I did an internship at ABBOTT Laboratories in Santiago de Chile. I went back to Bolivia where I begun working as a Jr. Project Manager for GCGi and quickly made it through to become a Project Manager, handling teams of web development programmers and learning both SEO/SEM and QA.
In the last 4 years I’ve worked with several web design companies in the UK and USA mostly, making websites and e-commerce stores for security companies, hospitals, dentists, e-cigarettes, universities, churches, clothing and designer stores among others until I joined OpenPotion in 2013 and started focusing on Property Management websites.
What do you bring to our Team that is valuable?
Commitment. I’m the kind of guy you know is willing to run the extra mile to get things done right, whatever it takes, and always makes sure clients are happy with the results.
Where do you live, and with whom?
I currently live in Cochabamba, Bolivia, renting an apartment with my cousin. My whole family is here and I try to spend as much time with my parents and my younger brother and sister as I can.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I spend my time listening to music, which I have always loved, and also enjoy hanging out with friends and playing video games over the weekend.
Where do you hang out at when you’re not at work?
I’m usually at a friends place, my parents house, or at a bar.
If you didn’t work for OpenPotion, what would your dream job be?
My dream job would be to be an executive at Apple or Google.
What is the best part about working from home, and one of the biggest challenges of working from home?
Working from home is great because you don’t have to spend time commuting every day to work, which means having more time to focus on work and more free time to spare. The biggest challenge of working from home is keeping everything as organized as possible to ensure non-work related stuff is not getting on the way during working hours.
What is your favorite advice that you like to give to clients about their website?
Keep it updated, and optimized. Security issues come up mostly on older websites that haven’t been updated for months, and if you have a website that is Search Engine Optimized for doing it’s job, which is an on-going process, you’ll find yourself with a growing business all the time.
What has been your funniest moment working at OP?
There’s not a single one, but almost every morning at the team meeting there’s something funny happening. Someone always ends up cracking jokes that make the rest of us laugh our asses off.
Which projects have you enjoyed working on the most and why?
I enjoy most of the projects I’ve done so far, but one that comes to mind right now is Property Management Select, because working with Nick to get his website done was a breeze. Things went as smooth as possible, and we did a great website for his business.
What’s your favorite food?
Barbecue. Can’t beat a well grilled meat with some fries and a fresh salad.
What would your rapper name be?
Me, a rapper? I would be a rock star instead, but I haven’t put thought on the name yet.
Favorite movie?
Star Wars, of course. Can’t beat the best saga ever.
If you had a super power what would it be, and why?
I would like to live forever, there’s just too much to enjoy, and very little time!
Starr, Content Goddess
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