Meet our Content Wizard


Welcome back to our Meet the Team series.  If you’ve been following along, we’re taking the time to introduce our fantastic team of experts via a fun interview and Q &A session.  Here at OpenPotion, we hire only the best designers, developers, and content writers in the industry.  We scour the world for these rockstars and are pleased to have each and every one as part of our team.

So far you’ve had a chance to meet Morgan, one of our developers and customer service experts, and Esteban, our project manager.  Today, I welcome you to meet Adam, our content wizard.  Adam came to us only a few short months ago, but in that time has proved himself as a talented, invaluable addition to our team.  Adam brings his amazing creativity to the table, and coupled with his expertise in marketing and sales writing and tech knowledge, he really is a content wizard.

Adam Z., Content Wizard

Adam Z., Content Wizard

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
― Maya Angelou

What’s your background as far as work?
I got into the content creation game while living in Paris. I had the opportunity to intern in the
offices of a luxury real estate company during my five year tenure in Europe, and in that position
I worked extensively with the British press. I guess you could call it a “light bulb” moment, as I
began writing for a myriad of companies after that experience.

What do you bring to our Team that is valuable?
I thoroughly enjoy the branding process, and I feel quite fortunate to have worked with a
plethora of multinational brands. Working with the big boys has equipped me with an intimate
understanding of the ins and outs of digital marketing, and I love working with small business
owners to breathe new life into their respective companies.

Where do you live, and with whom?
New York City, with my Cocker Spaniel, Oliver.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
Perhaps unsurprisingly, I’m an avid reader and spend a significant portion of my free time
devouring any book I stumble across. I also enjoying playing my guitar, exploring the city with
friends, and seeking out that elusive perfect cup of coffee.

Where do you hang out at when you’re not at work?
Local cafés, Washington Square Park, and independent bookstores dotted across NYC.

If you didn’t work for OpenPotion, what would your dream job be?
Working as an independent contractor IS my dream job!

What is the best part about working from home, and one of the biggest challenges of working
from home?
I’ve always been a bit of a control freak, and I appreciate the solitude of working at home. I find
it easiest to brainstorm, create, and pull out the red pen when I’m left with my thoughts. On the
flip side, working independently means I have to remain self-motivated…and everybody has
moments when they just want to stay in bed for an extra 15 minutes!

What is your favorite advice that you like to give to clients about their website?
Your website is an extension of your brand; make certain it reflects your vision and serves as a
cohesive link to your external marketing endeavors.

What has been your funniest moment working at OP?
Working long hours makes all of us loopy, and I constantly collaborate with the other members
of the OpenPotion team via video conference and chat. At the end of a long week, we’re all a bit
punch drunk really, and as you can imagine, hilarious hijinks ensue.

Which projects have you enjoyed working on the most and why?
I really appreciate the chance to work with property managers and real estate groups, as it affords
me the opportunity to research the neighborhoods in which they operate. It’s like a virtual field
What’s your favorite food?
It’s hard to beat a great taco, but I’m still a kid at heart, and you can always win me over with

Favorite movie?
So many choices, so little time.

If you had a super power what would it be, and why?
Teleportation; I’ve had the chance to experience life in so many places across our beautiful
planet, and I’d love nothing more than to spend the day with some of my favorite people, many
of whom are far, far away.


Starr, Content Goddess

Starr Bryson

Responsive Design: 4 Key Reasons Your Business Site Needs It



Earlier this year, mobile web usage in the United States overtook traditional desktop browsers for the first time in history. With millions of connected devices scattered around the nation, consumers have more access to the Internet than ever before. Long gone are the days when users had to peruse subpar mobile sites that lacked the functionality and visual appeal of desktop platforms. Today, companies can create dynamic, responsive sites that bring the full desktop experience to the small screen. If you’re contemplating whether or not you need a responsive site, consider the following four benefits.

Responsive Sites Reach More People

Google estimates that more than one in five searches are now performed via a mobile device. Furthermore, 25% of all Internet users in the U.S. connect solely via a smartphone or tablet. If numbers like those don’t sway you, consider this: more than half of all local searches conducted last year came via mobile platforms. The figures don’t lie; if you neglect mobile web users, you’re missing out on a huge segment of your target audience.

Search Engines Play Nicer with Responsive Sites

If you’ve spent any time familiarizing yourself with search engine optimization, you understand the importance of your site ranking. Google and its competitors rely on bots that canvas the web every day, indexing websites and using a series of complex algorithms to determine a site’s rank. Responsive sites give search engines one destination to index, as opposed to businesses that opt for separate mobile and desktop sites. This single indexed site is often better received by the search engine algorithms, in turn ensuring a high rank for the online destination.

Responsive Sites Produce Better Results

As a business owner, your primary concern is ensuring that your website provides a positive user experience and generates real results. Not only are responsive sites tailored to the smaller screens of mobile users, but these websites also produce better conversion rates. Furthermore, the majority of social media activity now occurs on mobile devices, and web users are eager to interact with businesses on the move. With a responsive site, you make it possible for visitors to reach out to you immediately, no matter where users happen to find themselves.

Responsive Sites are Easy to Maintain

Attracting new business and retaining your current customers is likely one of your largest priorities as a business owner. Do you really have spare time to waste updating a mobile site frequently and ensuring it plays nicely across a myriad of different devices? A professional, responsive site shouldn’t be difficult to maintain—in fact, it’s quite the opposite. These simple platforms make it easy for you to communicate your business’ message to the masses, regardless of how they choose to access your online destination.

Harnessing the digital tools available to you is the best possible way to build a brighter future and work to stabilize your monthly revenue. Utilizing responsive web design is merely one of the diverse options available to you, but the results these sites create speak for themselves. If you’re not already using responsive design and are ready to take the plunge, get in touch with us today and learn how OpenPotion can breathe new life into your business’ approach to online marketing.

Adam Zetterlund

– Adam, Content Wizard

Meet Our Awesome Project Manager



Our team of rock stars are the super stars of the web design industry- from our developers and designers to our content writers and management team, we employ only the best of the best. Over the next few weeks, we’re going to give you an inside look into the lives of OpenPotion’s team. We believe in transparency, and there is no better route to that then to introduce you to our team members and give you a realistic look at the people behind the scenes.

Last week you were introduced to Morgan, one of our developers and support techs.  This week, please meet Esteban, our Project Manager and resident Rock Star.


Esteban Zenteno, Project Manager "There's always a bigger fish."

Esteban Zenteno,
Project Manager
“There’s always a bigger fish.”


What’s your background as far as work?
I studied Systems Engineering at UCINF University in Chile until 2008, and then I did an internship at ABBOTT Laboratories in Santiago de Chile. I went back to Bolivia where I begun working as a Jr. Project Manager for GCGi and quickly made it through to become a Project Manager, handling teams of web development programmers and learning both SEO/SEM and QA.

In the last 4 years I’ve worked with several web design companies in the UK and USA mostly, making websites and e-commerce stores for security companies, hospitals, dentists, e-cigarettes, universities, churches, clothing and designer stores among others until I joined OpenPotion in 2013 and started focusing on Property Management websites.

What do you bring to our Team that is valuable?
Commitment. I’m the kind of guy you know is willing to run the extra mile to get things done right, whatever it takes, and always makes sure clients are happy with the results.

Where do you live, and with whom?
I currently live in Cochabamba, Bolivia, renting an apartment with my cousin. My whole family is here and I try to spend as much time with my parents and my younger brother and sister as I can.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I spend my time listening to music, which I have always loved, and also enjoy hanging out with friends and playing video games over the weekend.

Where do you hang out at when you’re not at work?
I’m usually at a friends place, my parents house, or at a bar.

If you didn’t work for OpenPotion, what would your dream job be?
My dream job would be to be an executive at Apple or Google.

What is the best part about working from home, and one of the biggest challenges of working from home?
Working from home is great because you don’t have to spend time commuting every day to work, which means having more time to focus on work and more free time to spare. The biggest challenge of working from home is keeping everything as organized as possible to ensure non-work related stuff is not getting on the way during working hours.

What is your favorite advice that you like to give to clients about their website?
Keep it updated, and optimized. Security issues come up mostly on older websites that haven’t been updated for months, and if you have a website that is Search Engine Optimized for doing it’s job, which is an on-going process, you’ll find yourself with a growing business all the time.

What has been your funniest moment working at OP?
There’s not a single one, but almost every morning at the team meeting there’s something funny happening. Someone always ends up cracking jokes that make the rest of us laugh our asses off.

Which projects have you enjoyed working on the most and why?
I enjoy most of the projects I’ve done so far, but one that comes to mind right now is Property Management Select, because working with Nick to get his website done was a breeze. Things went as smooth as possible, and we did a great website for his business.

What’s your favorite food?
Barbecue. Can’t beat a well grilled meat with some fries and a fresh salad.

What would your rapper name be?
Me, a rapper? I would be a rock star instead, but I haven’t put thought on the name yet.

Favorite movie?
Star Wars, of course. Can’t beat the best saga ever.

If you had a super power what would it be, and why?
I would like to live forever, there’s just too much to enjoy, and very little time!




Starr, Content Goddess

Starr Bryson

Online Marketing 101: 3 Simple Steps to Maximize Your Digital Impact



After several months of collaboration with a talented web design company, your website is finally live! Now what? If you’re like the vast majority of business owners, you might not have the first clue as to what to do next. While a dynamic website forms the cornerstone of your company’s online web presence, you won’t unlock your site’s full potential until you develop efficient marketing strategies that will expand your clout, build a dedicated following, and ultimately, lead to more sales. Whether you’re a seasoned marketing pro or this is your first go-round on the online marketing carousel, the following simple steps are an easy starting ground for anyone looking to dip their toes into the digital marketing space.

1. Develop a Strategy

While it might seem simple, many amateur webmasters totally overlook marketing plans in the digital world. It’s true that the practical rules of marketing online differ from traditional methods, but the fundamentals of efficient marketing remain the same. Slapping a few blog posts up on your site and sending out sporadic status updates won’t get you very far—instead, you need to build a game plan.

First, think about who you’re trying to target. Are you reaching out to existing clients? Do you want to connect with potential buyers? Reflect on the demographics of your intended audience and create your content accordingly. Next, you’ll want to build a thoughtful outline. Consider how often you want to interact with your followers and how you plan to do so. Finally, put the pedal to the metal and jump onboard! Small steps might not seem like they have much impact, but together, these little actions can create a tidal wave of success.

2. Partner with the Right Professionals

Time and time again, business owners try to jumpstart their marketing efforts on their own, only to find themselves frustrated with a lack of results. Hey, there’s no shame in trying! At the end of the day, however, you might need to partner with a professional with a keen understanding of what you’re attempting to accomplish. Hiring a blog writer or a community manager might feel like a big step, but investing in a more polished marketing product will inevitably bring about greater results.

3. Develop a Long-Term Perspective

Everybody wishes they could coax in visitors with the drop of a hat, generate thousands of sales leads in a single day, and push their company into the stratosphere of success. Those dreams are great and they might keep you motivated, but the magic simply won’t happen overnight. Connecting with consumers on the web serves as an invaluable way for business owners to grow their companies, but this strategy isn’t foolproof. You’ll need to pour your sweat, blood, and tears into your marketing efforts if you expect them to generate tangible results. Just like the tortoise who beat the hare, focus on building upon your previous endeavors day by day, in order to build a truly powerful brand online.

Building a jaw-dropping website is the first priority as you go on your first foray into the digital marketing realm. After that site launches, however, you’ll want to pay close attention to your marketing efforts. It’s easy to place the blame for your lackluster success on a million different parties, but ultimately, poor marketing has the power to sink your ship. Instead, invest the time and energy necessary to reach out to your customers online. As your marketing approach comes together bit by bit, you’ll begin to witness the incredible fruit of your labor.

-Adam Z, Content Wizard

Adam Zetterlund

Meet One of Our Awesome Website Developers



Here at OpenPotion, we hire the rock stars from our industry to craft a team of knowledgeable, experienced, and awesome team members.

Meet Morgan, one of our website developers.  Morgan lives on the East Coast of Canada, a few hours drive from Maine.  He spends a lot of time at work, so you’ll usually find him at his computer.   Get to know Morgan with an exclusive peek into his world in the following interview.  I think you’ll like Morgan as much as we do.


Morgan Farris Website Developer


Tell us a little about your background in website design:

I began my professional career as a Graphic Designer. I started freelancing for a couple of New York’s marketing firms including Hachette, Fillipachi, New Media, and Primedia  just to name a few. I have worked on projects for Nissan’s Altima and Pathfinder, Chevrolet Corvette, Car & Driver, and ELLE magazine.

One day, I found something called Joomla. I loved it ,and it enabled me to create an entire dynamic website all by myself, without requiring a team of programmers anymore. Since that time, I focused my energy more on websites than graphic design. I learned a lot about Joomla, created some interesting sites, and am always excited for each new release. In the last year or so, I’ve also been creating with WordPress, and plan to test out PageKit when it’s officially released this fall.

Sometimes I marvel at how times have changed – when I started, a good website cost clients $10,000 to $15,000. In fact, I even worked on a website project whose total cost was in the $100,000 range. Today,  you can get a website that does MORE than those sites did for a fraction of the cost!

Tells us about your work for OpenPotion:

At OpenPotion, I spend a good chunk of time handling Support Tickets. What I like most about handling support is that in order to fix some of the issues, you need to know a lot about all of the various parts of the website — this keeps me on my toes.  I learn new things every day.

 What do you like to do in your spare time?

Bike on nearby trails and  play “Assassin’s Creed” or Battlefield 4” on  the PS4.

What is your favorite advice that you like to give to clients about their website?

I typically ask clients to think about the ONE THING that they want their website to do – the one goal they want their website to accomplish for them – and then we’ll make the website do that for them successfully.

It’s not that websites only do “one thing” – but it’s that often clients want their website to do EVERYTHING, and that results in a website that, quite frankly, doesn’t help the user accomplish what they came to OpenPotion for in the first place. By asking the client to think about the most important goal they want their website to do, they realize the importance of  a focused website.

What has been your funniest moment working at OpenPotion?

There’s a couple, in the sense of chatting with the team members.  Everyone is pretty cool, so you can joke around with everyone and have a good time.

What’s your favorite food?


What would your rapper name be?

I can’t rap. So that’s not even an option.

Favorite movie?
A L | E N S and Critters

Share a favorite meme from the Internet with us.

I’m more into classics than fads. So I tend to ignore things like that.

If you had a super power what would it be, and why?

Never thought about it. Not something I usually fantasize about, I suppose.

Editor’s Note:  If you ask us, Morgan’s super power is his super sonic speed when it comes to support tickets.  He works fast, expertly, and handles everything with aplomb and excellent customer service skills.

~Starr, Content Goddess

Starr Bryson

Blogging Blunders: 3 Simple Reasons Not to Overlook Content Marketing

blogging blundersMaintaining a company blog with frequent posts often falls pretty low on the priority scale for small business owners. After all, what real impact does a blog post have on a company’s success? If you’re tempted to say “not much,” you might be surprised to learn the actual answer. In fact, a single blog post can have a massive impact on your company’s future. Best of all, updating your blog doesn’t require the same resources necessary to launch an expansive ad campaign or invest in traditional marketing efforts. The following 3 explanations outline some of the key reasons content marketing matters for businesses of all shapes and sizes.

Content Establishes Authority

If you’ve been in the business world for very long, you understand how essential it is to demonstrate your authority to your clients. Whether you sell used car parts, consultation services, or property management solutions, your clients want to feel like they are partnering with a business professional who knows what they’re talking about. While it’s easy to toot your own horn and proclaim your amazing prowess to the world, demonstrating your know-how takes a bit more work. Believe it or not, a humble blog post can go a long way towards establishing your position as an authority in your field.

When you write a blog, don’t focus on trying to make a quick sale. Instead, talk about interesting subjects that correlate with the underlying theme of your business. For example, if you’re a property manager, why not write a post extolling the delicious fare at the top eateries in your neighborhood? If you’re an interior designer, write about the trends taking over the industry. Your blog gives you the opportunity to sell yourself as an expert in your field. Don’t over-complicate things—instead, write about what you know.

Quality Content Spurs User Interaction

Business owners work hard every day to make sales and draw in new clients, but the customer relationship doesn’t end once a sale is made.  Instead, you want to encourage that relationship to grow deeper, as you gain the trust of those who patronize your business. Creating interesting, informative content is a surefire way to build user interest in your company and continue the conversation with your customers. Sharing your posts across social media networks can further capitalize on this opportunity, as you invite others to join the discussion. Not only does content strengthen the bonds you share with existing customers, but it also generates new leads for your business.

Content Creates a Following

As a business owner, one of the biggest challenges you face is spreading the word about your company. With an endless array of competitors salivating over your segment of the target market, you don’t have the luxury of sitting on your laurels and hoping for the best. Instead, you need to continually invest in reaching out to those who might be interested in the products and services your organization provides. By focusing on crafting content that informs, educates, and intrigues, you will organically create a larger online following. Of course, this serves as a nice ego boost, but the real benefits extend beyond the bragging rights. As your clout grows, the number of interested clients will follow.

Writing blog posts might feel like nothing more than a chore, but the results a company blog can generate should make you passionate about creating content that makes a veritable impact. Whether you write your own company posts, or you instead contract with a stellar partner like OpenPotion, focusing on growing your blog is a savvy move you don’t want to overlook. Although progress often feels hard to measure, the potential your single blog post represents is impossible to ignore.

-Adam Z, Content Wizard

Adam Zetterlund